Guangli is a professional custom night light manufacturer since 2013

Fluorescent Vs LED Lights

by:Guangli     2020-08-27
The international campaign to end the reign of the incandescent light bulb is well under way. This September the 60 Watt filament bulb was finally taken out of production and in a few years time it is hoped that the wasteful bulbs will be gone altogether. That is why it is a good idea to start looking for a suitable alternative today! Choosing an energy saving bulb used to be quite straightforward. Chances are you would simply buy a Compact Fluorescent (CFL). They have been the quintessential energy saving bulb since they first appeared in the 1980s. However, since the advent of LED Lights, that decision has become a little less simple. Now, with two main energy saving bulbs available, the question to ask is which are better? This is a question we intend to address through a direct comparison between CFL's and LED Bulbs. How much energy does each of these bulbs save you? LED Bulbs offer significant energy saving advantages when compared to CFLs. CFLs use around 13 - 15 watts in power to achieve the same brightness as a 60 watt incandescent. LED Bulbs use much less. For example, our range of GU10 LED Bulbs only use 4 watts to achieve the same brightness. By choosing LED Lights you will save even more money and reduce your carbon footprint further. The rated life of a CFL is 8 to 15 times that of an incandescent, which is impressive. CFLs last anywhere between 6,000 and 15,000 hours, but most often do not last as long as promised. LED Bulbs have a massive 30,000 - 50,000 hour lifespan. This is 4 - 5 times longer than a CFL. The brightness of CFL's is also an issue. CFL's actually get dimmer overtime. This means the brightness of the bulb will become inadequate even before it has fulfilled its rated life. About a quarter of CFLs no longer meet their rated output before they have reached half their rated life. LED Lights do not have the same problem. They will continue to shine at full brightness for their entire lifespan. As well as being unreliable CFLs also pose an environmental risk. Like all fluorescent lamps CFLs contain mercury, albeit a tiny amount. However, even a small amount is a hazard and if released into the environment can contribute to air and water pollution. As such, CFLs need to be disposed of in a careful manner, usually involving a special hazardous waste company. But if they break, they could be a risk to you and your family. LED Lights contain no harmful chemicals, so are perfectly safe. LED Lights are now available in a wide range of fixtures, both commercial and domestic, which makes them a far more viable choice as an energy saving bulb. Our range of bulbs includes GU10, and due to their retrofit design can be used in the same fittings as incandescent bulbs. CFLs are still very limited in comparison and very little developmental work is going into the technology. As such CFLs have rightly been viewed as a transitional technology, bridging the gap between the incandescent and LED Bulbs. If you're ready to make the switch over to LED Lights give us a call today.
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