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How To Incorporate an Antler Table Lamp Into A

by:Guangli     2020-06-25
Antler table lamps are among the defining pieces of a rustic decoration style, but they also have the distinct advantage of being relatively easy to integrate in a lot of different other types of interior decoration. Since the rustic style itself is eclectic, it means a lot of its pieces mix well in all sorts of decors. The obvious placement for an antler table lamp is on a coffee table or on an end table. You can compliment it with a colorful table cloth - any vintage textiles would do, but in particular those with floral patterns. This arrangement could bring new life to an otherwise unused corner of the house. Add an armchair and you've got yourself a cozy reading corner, or a nice little table to spread your Tarot cards on. Try to avoid creating a rustic corner in the room, as this would only break down the design in an unpleasant manner. It's best to compliment your antler table lamp with a few other rustic elements spread in the entire room - not too many, to avoid cluttering. You probably have more rustic pieces in your home than you think: candles and candle-holders add charm and intimacy to any room, same as ceramics - one or two little colorful bowls or mugs bring personality. Pots of plants and vases with flowers go brilliantly with your antler table lamp - try placing a vase with sunflowers, or a small cup filled with wild flowers next to the lamp, and you'll be amazed by the effect. Woven baskets are among the cheapest, most effective and most often overlooked items that bring slight rustic accents to a room. Fill one up with fruit, newspapers, or potpourri and you've got yourself a new decorative piece. An antler table lamp also goes well with a bit of an ethnic touch, if you feel like going back to your roots, and with furniture items made of natural materials - wrought iron, stone or wood without paint or varnish. Also, in order to get the best decorative value from your lamp, place it in a room that's lit by soft, white light bulbs, to accentuate its connections to nature. You could also try placing the antler table lamp in the kitchen - a little extra light on the cutting board is always welcome. A cute idea is to hang small espresso cups on the antlers, increasing the decorative value of the lamp and turning it into a sort of multifunctional piece. You can compliment it with a colorful rug (green works best in most cases, but, of course, this depends on the colors used in your kitchen), curtains with flower or checkered patterns (the kind that go only halfway down the window, to allow plenty of light in) or a couple of rustic wall decorations - oven mittens, pots and pans or cutting boards decorated with faience work best in the kitchen. There are, of course, certain designs in which an antler table lamp will not fit at all, no matter what you do. Generally, it doesn't go well in rooms with fluorescent lights, in overly-cluttered spaces or in combination with very modern furniture, made mostly of plastic, glass and stainless steel. Of course, you can place the lamp on a stainless steel counter as a sort of an ironic, hipster-style statement, but the joke will wear out pretty fast. And, last but not least, a word of caution: the rustic style tends to be addictive. You start with an antler table lamp and a basket, next you'll be looking for rustic scones to match the lamp, maybe o couple of chairs - and before you know it, you'll be redoing your entire home in a rustic style. After all, it suits the 'home sweet home' image better than anything else.
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