Guangli is a professional night light manufacturer since 2013

Is there any third party doing decorative plug in night lights quality test?
In order to confirm our data on decorative plug in night lights is reliable, we turn to third-party product testing. This valuable endorsement for the product performance must give our customers additional reassurance that the products are rigorously tested to industry standards.
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Chaozhou Guangdong Guangli Electronic Co., Ltd Factory is an award-winning desk lamp supplier in the field. Guangli Electronic produces a number of different product series, including salt lamp night light. This product is very hygienic. The sheets made it are sand-blasted and primed to remove dust and other contaminants. Adopting an energy efficient LED, the product requires no bulb replacement. Chaozhou Guangli Electronic Factory will maintain the efficient operation of the organization and management system under normal conditions. There's no need to unplug this product during the day.

We work with ISO-certified suppliers who have the right working conditions, working times, and who conduct their work without undue risk or pressure.

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