Guangli is a professional custom night light manufacturer since 2013

Switching Over To LED Lighting In Your Home

by:Guangli     2020-08-06
Energy-saving is vital these days - not just for the environment but also to minimise electricity bills which are on the rise everywhere. So whether you are motivated by going green or by saving money, switching to more energy-saving solutions in the home is well worth your while. If you're like many of us, you've probably just about got around to phasing out the old style light bulbs and replacing them with the current energy-saving CFL bulbs. If you thought you were home and dry on the energy-saving front, think again. Further developments in technology now mean that those bulbs, which we've heard are so much better for cutting costs and for the environment, are no longer the ideal solution. In fact we are now hearing that they are actually bad. They contain mercury - very bad for our health if we break them, think really toxic for toddlers and kids, and a hazard to the environment when they are disposed of. They do use less electricity than traditional light bulbs but are just as fragile, so often break before their benefits and cost savings have really had time to accumulate. Now it is the LED light bulb that is recommended for energy-saving and long-term cost savings. First of all we have to appreciate that the savings are going to be over the long-term. These LED light bulbs are still considerably more expensive to purchase than conventional or CFL energy-saving light bulbs. But, and this is a big but, they really do make a big difference to your energy consumption. In two years they have paid for themselves and as they generally last for ten years or more, being far more durable than any other light bulb, the savings can be considerable. If you are thinking of switching to LED lighting in your home, here are a few suggestions to make it affordable. If you can afford to make a complete switch all at once, then go for it and don't bother reading on! Buy one bulb a month - the cost of buying enough LED light bulbs for the whole home will probably make you faint, but factoring just one bulb a month to your budget is feasible - it may mean cutting out one takeaway meal and buying a light bulb instead, but if you really want to save money long-term it is worth it. Replace most used bulbs first - look at your usage of lighting in your home. As you can afford to buy bulbs, replace the lights that are used most, so that your energy-savings will kick in sooner. So that hall light that is left on all night, or an outside security light, or perhaps the kitchen lights, used early in the morning and at the end of the day, would be the first to make the switch. Check out health benefits too - those CFL energy-saving light bulbs are a major contributor to electromagnetic emissions within the home. If anyone in your family suffers from sensitivity or mysterious aches and pains, then think about replacing the bulbs in areas of the house used by them early on. Perhaps the bedside light of your headache-suffering child, or the desk light where your teenager studies, or the lounge reading light that you sit under every evening, should be made priorities for your LED lighting switchover.
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